It's very true, I am getting deported in less than 48hrs :(
Here's the full story. A few days into 2011, the hubs came home with his head a little low and said he had bad news. I never enjoy those 2 words "bad" & "news" do not go together. He proceeded to tell me that he had met with the general manager of his hockey team. I wasn't quite sure where this was going. He tells me that my visa got rejected and that I am DEPORTED!! **Breath**
A few months ago I traveled to the Czech Embassy in Bratislava, Slovakia. I was told that they didn't believe my marriage certificate was real. Whoooa! The next step was to travel to the US Embassy in Prague for them to confirm that my marriage certificate was not a fraud. So I did. The US Embassy attached a letter to my marriage certificate, making these two BIG holes in it. I was not a happy camper. The letter wasn't promising but the team thought it would work. It said something along the lines of "the document appears to be real but we aren't sure". Oh boy! Then we met with the police department in hopes to get an extension. No luck.
The bottom line is that I'm leaving. The team has tried everything. Once I'm back in Florida, I must meet with the Czech Embassy in Orlando to see the status of my permission to return. The worst part is being apart from Adam. Totally stinks! I'll keep you posted. Have a good week everyone!
Like I said before, you could write a book girlfriend! What a fiasco. Hope they get this mess sorted out soon.
Love T
how could be your marriage certificate fake when you use your husband's surname? weird.
i'm feeling very sorry for you being kicked off this country (that in my opinion uses to represent itself with only strange things last years.)
but i have to mention it's not only the Czech republic, many countries, f.e. Canada, has in their laws also some stupid things to think about in the 'exchange foreigner' stuff
I feel so sorry for you:( So much troubles! Hope it works out somehow!
@T I didn't mean to publish my post yesterday lol!! I wasn't finished making changes to the emotional writing. I hope so to!
Oh no - that's horrible! Why the heck would they doubt your marriage certificate?! I'm so sorry :-(
Oh Monique! I am so sorry! That does stink. I hope you can get it worked out once you are back in Florida! Is Shadow staying? Thinking of you.
Ahhh! How terrible! :( Hopefully you can get it straightened out soon and be back with your hubby again. We did have to send our marriage certificate back home to get an "Apostille" seal on it (not for our Visa's, but to register as foreigners) perhaps getting something like that done would help them recognize it as a "legal" marriage? I don't know much about that stuff, but might be something to look into! Good luck and safe travels! :(
Ohhh no!! That's awful! Hopefully you can return soon!
Thinking of you Nik! Makes me sad that you have to leave! Let's talk soon k!?! Love you! xox
@J and A, Shadow will stay with Adam. We are hopeful that I will be able to return within 4 weeks.
@CMD thank you for sharing the seal thing with me. I will most def look into it.
@Jenny, the embassy said that the US has so many different styles of marriage certificate that they don't know what's real and what's not. This is an area of abuse that honest people pay the price for.
Thank you Britney Spears for your improper contribution to this with a 55 hour marriage. HA!
Omg! :( Yes, welcome in The Czech Republic! It´s a very nice country. But if you need something important you must be very patient. I know this place.
Good luck!
Whit love M.
I am ssssoooo sorry for you gurl! Hope it all gets squared away and you are back with your husband soon!
I know about separation...Scott was gone 10 days, has been home 3 and leaves again for 3 more..it sucks!!
Big Hugs!
Deportation happens to hundreds of people. Just find a way to prove your marriage certificate is real and be done with it. (Though I don't understand why they would think it's fake) If your able to return in 4 weeks why the "woe is me" attitude? Go back to Orlando meet with the embassy and return, doesn't seem that bad at least you have an option to return.
Hi! I am new to the blog world and have started reading other hockey wives blogs who are over seas for this EXACT purpose! My fiance and I are getting married this summer and he will continue playing hockey next year in Europe so this is a great heads up on what I need to look out for when traveling with him. I'm very sorry to hear you are being deported...hopefully you guys will figure something out but if you can't, just remember the season is more than halfway done in Europe!
Oh boy ... this brought me right back to how I felt in Italy. I am so sorry this is happening to you, what a headache! I hope that you guys can sort it all out and that you'll be on your way back in no time!
Do you have any updates? No last minute somethings that will save you from the hassle of going all the way home and ... back?
Where are you? Hope everything gets better for you...been thinking about you since reading your last blog
Hey there, I just stumbled across your blog, and I am so sorry to hear about this happening to ya'll. I know a lot of the girls had problems with the threat of 'deportation' last year (we are in Germany for hockey) but I can't believe it happened. I hope it all gets straightened out very quickly! All the best :)
This is freaking horrible. I feel your pain...faced similar circumstances many years ago. It takes awhile, but it DOES work out. You KNOW your marriage is legit and they do all they can to weed people out who will just give up. Don't give up and it will be accepted eventually (it's the eventually part that sucks!)
omg!! this is so awfull , what stupid rules they have. I'm so sorry for you. I really hope everything will get better in the future
lots of love
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