The best gift in the world after being released from the hospital was being outside. Breathing that fresh air and feeling the sun. I knew that these next few months would fly by and I'd find myself readmitted in the hospital for the bone marrow transplant in October. So we lived every single day to it's fullest. We loaded up on activities, family and friends. I was very fortunate, upon my July discharge from the hospital, to be feeling great!
July 31st, 2011 - Our 3rd wedding anniversary!
I went from blonde to brunette. Having brown hair was always something I wanted to try, wearing a wig was an opportunity to switch it up.
The big 2-day transplant consultation. It was becoming more and more real that I was going through this. I was introduced to the transplant team (Doctors, nurses, coordinators, social workers, etc...), visited the bone marrow transplant floor and got a boat load of information.
My brother flew into town for the weekend so the transplant team could do a series of tests.