Tuesday, September 29, 2009
With my girl....and boxes!

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Monday, Market and my Man!

Yesterday, I feel like I didn't get much packing done. It's come to that point, where I am picking out of boxes to get dressed ha ha... I went to the Daytona Farmers & Flea Market with Tiffany. Got myself some good old kettle corn hmmmm! I also purchased a cute sweatshirt :) This market is so BIG that I tend to get lost. No joke!

I miss my husband!!!! He's still in training camp, it's been almost 2 weeks now. The feedback is that he is doing great. Two goals in three games! Great job babe & keep up the good hard work ♥
Saturday, September 26, 2009
St Augustine, Florida ♥

Finally!!! Some photos that I acccctually took lately! Amazing, I know. Here is a run-down of my time in St Augustine last Thurday... It was such a great day that went by all to quickly, as usual. Melissa (above w dark brown hair) went to college in St Aug so needless to say, she was our tour guide!! Beers at 11am ~ it was so hot.... :)

Me and my Florida friends Melissa & Kim

Kim & I posing at Flagler College. It's so beautiful there. Makes me want to study again...

Here we are at Castillo De San Marcos National Monument!

The above fort (Castillo De San Marcos) is the oldest in the U.S. built in 1672.

The Gourmet Hut looks like a little shack... BUT, it's a restaurant!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009

I kicked off the weekend with a nice dinner with good friends. I was actually the "9th wheel" LOL. We went to Carrabba's. It was my first time there and I loved it!! Especially the bread dipping sauce (above)... Yummy!!!
In hockey news, Adam starts training camp on Monday. His 1st pre-season game is Wednesday. I hope it's on internet!!!!!
Ok, well, time for bed. I'm tired!! Tomorrow I am going to cheer on 4 year old Clayton at T-Ball... :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Pursuit of riding waves
This morning, Adam and I drove along the coastline. We entered the surfer zone and parked on the beach. As mountains of water stacked upon the horizon, we saw surfers EVERYWHERE!!!!! Lo and behold, today was one of the best condition possible to satisfy their "wave riding addictions". These swells are produced by storms that are not even formed yet?!

The dark shapes in the aerial photo above are Blacktip and Spinner Sharks.
According to a database called the "International Shark Attack File", we live in shark attack capital of the world. So, you will NEVER see me swim out that far in shark territories. Any who, we enjoyed watching the surfers waiting, paddling and chasing one wave to the next.The only surfing you will catch us doing is surfing TV/internet LOL!
Big 1
Little Grace celebrated her first birthday yesterday! Ever since we met her parents Katrina & Bill (our neighbours) back in May, we've always been invited to their family activities... Fun Fun and more Fun! Gracie didn't waist any time putting frosting all over herself LOL.... Oh-so special Kodak moment :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Pets de soeur
Okay, so imagine the idea of naming a delicious treat the funniest name EVER -> Pets de Soeur. Let me translate for you... "Nun's Farts" LOL!! That's what I baked tonight while Adam skated. These can also be referred to as "Old Women's Bellybuttons" (Bourriques de Veilles). This is a French Acadian recipe that I have been curious to attempt to bake for quite sometime now. Ooooey goooey goodness!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Especially for her...
A brief summary of what Shadow girl got today for the very first time; a doggie sundae!! We went to "Treats on the beach" to pick up a few strawberry banana smoothies and the lady asked if she could give her a free dog sundae. Eh! Why not?! She LOVED it!!!
Then... off to the dog beach for the afternoon. It's a dog's life!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
What's on Tonight...

Of course I wouldn't miss bloggin' bout the season premiere of my shows tonight over on CW... The long awaited premiere of Melrose Place and the return of 90210! I'm excited to see what they will come up with on "MP". I watched this show in the '90s and it was addicting. Just like Ben and Jerry's half baked ice cream haha... 90210 came back last year and I enjoyed it. Yay!!

What else is waiting for me on my TiVo?!.....Big Brother! I don't even want to go on Facebook/Twitter because I don't want to find out what happens (like what happened last Sunday ~ found out Natalie had won HOH). Also, my morning talk shows are mostly all back and no longer in reruns. Today, "The View" and "Live with Regis & Kelly" were live...Finally! Rachael Ray kicks off her new season next week. I love RR!! Did you know that she has a plaque in her home that reads: "Martha Stewart doesn't live here" LOL.... Love it! What's your favorite TV shows?
Monday, September 7, 2009
Beach, Boat and BBQ!

There was SO many people on Disappearing Island.

We had a great Labor Day Weekend!! Friday night was "Girlz Night-IN". In our comfy clothes, we got pampered with all kinds of fun things - mani, pedi, make-up, appetizers and margaritas. Good laughs and great conversations!!! We also had a good time with Melissa & Ian at the beach on Saturday. We played so much with their twins, swam and BBQ. Then we headed over to their house to watch College Football & eat some more ~ Nachos! And lastly, Adam was in "boating heaven" yesterday. We went out with Melissa & Ian to Disappearing Island. At high tide, this island is completely underwater. We spent the whole day on the beach...again! Yes, we have a crush on the shoreline! The boat ride there was so much fun and I did NOT get nauseous!!!! Woot! Woot!
Still can't believe how quickly summer has gone by?! We are about to re-enter the hockey season again, and I'm really excited about that! Anxious and all...my darling husband is still waiting for a contract. I know that I will once again be awed by God's provision in our lives. I will keep you posted :)
Today, Adam and I spent the day relaxing :) I did a bit of housecleaning while Adam skated, so it was good! Well, there you have it folks... A re-cap of the P-No's Labor Day fun!! Have yourself a wonderful week.
Still can't believe how quickly summer has gone by?! We are about to re-enter the hockey season again, and I'm really excited about that! Anxious and all...my darling husband is still waiting for a contract. I know that I will once again be awed by God's provision in our lives. I will keep you posted :)
Today, Adam and I spent the day relaxing :) I did a bit of housecleaning while Adam skated, so it was good! Well, there you have it folks... A re-cap of the P-No's Labor Day fun!! Have yourself a wonderful week.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
September Beach Day!
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